Combined Heat and Power

We provide complete engineered power package solutions that will serve all your power needs. The design, engineering, manufacturing and performance of our Power Generation Systems are specifically built to meet your needs and specifications.

Traditionally electricity is generated at centralized power stations that are only in the region of 40% efficient. Coupled with typical 5% transmission losses, the overall efficiency is reduced to around 35%. The vast majority of the wasted energy is heat that is released into the atmosphere; while it would be prudent to use this energy efficiently, it would be both technically and commercially challenging to channel this heat to end-users due to the large distances involved.

Cogeneration (also known as Combined Heat and Power) overcomes this shortcoming by physically placing generation equipment (often an Internal Combustion Engine coupled to an alternator) within the end-user facility, creating a decentralized setup. While the mechanical efficiency of this generator is often no better than the traditional centralized setup, the thermal energy can easily be channeled into the building’s heating system, significantly reducing the fuel consumption of the on-site boiler plant.

This system setup can have an efficiency of 85% as demonstrated below, meaning that the end-user will be consuming a significantly lower quantity of energy with the resultant knock-on effect of reduced energy bills and a more environmentally friendly and sustainable building.

CHP Systems

Combined Heat and Power (CHP) co-generation systems integrate the production of electric power and usable heat into one process. Combining these two processes means that heat is extracted while electricity is being generated. This significantly reduces waste –up to 95% of the primary energy- and makes it profitable and usable. CHP systems are installed on specific sites, thus supplying customers with heat and power directly at the point of use. This reduces the losses that occur in transmitting electric from large power plants. And utilizing thermal energy on-site increases overall efficiency. CHP systems offer a wide range of power sizes, applications, fuel types, and package options. The heat produced during the natural gas or bio-gas power generation process is recovered and can provide hot process water for heating or steam for industrial processes. Another process of hot water can be used for cooling by absorption chilling. In addition to all of these processes, the exhaust gases with proper treatment can be used for CO2 application in greenhouse systems for plant fertilization.

Power Generation System Design and Packaging

Our CHP Systems provide a cost-effective way of saving money and protecting the environment. Let us design, engineer, manufacture, and package your Power Generation System with a complete “Balance of Plant” package.

Why Us

Over 385 CHP Installations in 36 states/provinces

International experience with installations in 6 countries

Trained service & parts support staff

Over 40 years of power generation experience

In-house Design, Engineering, Manufacturing & Financing

Quality equipment and value


​Power Purchase Agreement (PPA)

Energy Network can offer to fund either all of, or any proportion thereof, the costs associated with the implementation of the CHP project. This includes the design, supply, delivery, installation, commissioning and on-going operation of the scheme. Energy Network would recover both the initial capital costs and the ongoing maintenance charges over a contractually agreed period, usually 10 years, by charging a p/kWh rate for the electricity generated by the CHP plant.

PPA benefits include:

Capital Purchase

Energy Network can provide a fixed cost for the complete turnkey package, including project design, supply, delivery, installation and commissioning. In addition to this, a service package can be offered that will operate and maintain the system throughout its lifetime. The main advantages of the capital purchase route are that the greater savings will be achievable over the product lifetime and greater operational flexibility is available. If the capital purchase option is being considered and the customer is making a taxable profit (paid to HMRC), the project will likely be eligible for an Enhanced Capital Allowance. This mechanism allows businesses to claim a 100% first year capital allowance on investments on energy efficiency investments (such as CHP) against taxable profits during the period of investment. Capital Purchase benefits include:

Energy Savings Agreement (ESA)

This process would begin with an Investment Grade Audit (IGA) of a customer’s site, and identify potential opportunities covering the following aspects:

Following the audit, a comprehensive report and savings calculation is presented to the customer. Typical contract length of this agreement is 10 years. An agreed fixed monthly fee is paid by the customer to Energy Network, and this fee is actually covered via the savings generated from the introduction of the upgraded equipment. As a result, the net cost to the customer is typically zero.

ESA benefits include: